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There are still many people, including some who know we’ve been lied to, who believe there was nevertheless something terrible happening, perhaps a deliberate release, and what happened was that the authorities exaggerated the situation.
I came to a different conclusion some time ago.
Based on a century of failure to demonstrate transmission of clinical symptoms from a person sick with any acute respiratory illness to a healthy recipient, it is clear that these acute illnesses aren’t infectious in nature, nor are they contagious.
We’ve been programmed to the contrary for so long and so effectively that many people simply will not accept the empirical evidence of the deception.
Here we have Stefan Homburg describe numerous, each appalling, examples of how experts from the German public health institution, the Robert Koch Institute, were repeatedly overruled by senior German politicians. RKI in a cowardly fashion, always complied and issued warnings that they pretended were based in science.
The entire recording is so short at under seven minutes that we can all easily watch it.
This official record, never intended to be seen by the public, was eventually obtained under FOI by a dogged Paul Schreyer, the investigative journalist who made that famous documentary called “Pandemic Simulations: Preparation For A New Era?”. That was a catalytic piece of evidence for me.
Taken together, I call upon everyone to recognise finally that Occam’s Razor slices well to reveal that EVERYTHING was propaganda. There was no new illness called covid19. There is no SARS-CoV-2 “virus”. This group of illnesses are not infectious or contagious.
Acute respiratory illnesses are so common an occurrence that it has proven before to be easily weaponised and used in what can fairly be described as global terrorism by the state authorities and institutions everywhere.
Please watch & use this recording which describes well what happened in Germany. The files which have released under FOI are available for download from RKI and have of course been independently downloaded and stored so that changes cannot now be made without these being obvious.
I don’t think there’s an equivalent document which admits repeatedly that this event was wholly POLITICAL and decisions entirely driven by non-technically qualified political people at the top of government. Clearly, given the heavy international coordination, orders were being issued from above the level of nation.
Anyone wishing to dispute this conclusion is welcome to attempt to justify their view which, however, has no choice but to include all of these admissions from RKI.
I don’t rule out that there may have been additional criminal activity in certain areas, and please remember that we have good evidence from several countries that the “pandemic death pulses” were in accord with the proposition that they were wholly iatrogenic, ie murder by medical protocols, whether or not those who enacted them knew it.
Finally, please be very aware of what has been proven to have happened in 2020 to the present as you observe the drumbeat of “avian influenza”.
As I have stated previously, this too is all lies and fear provoking propaganda. We have a brief period where we can choose to be courageous and expose this wickedness as widely as we each of us can. This task cannot be left to a small number of us with the information, because we are so effectively gagged in relation to reaching large numbers of people that the perpetrators are no longer concerned about us speaking out. That means you must carry these facts and truths out there yourselves, recruiting help as you proceed.
THANK YOU for your efforts.
Best wishes

Just in from a contact in Germany.
They tell me politics is utterly rank there at the moment and getting worse.
Nobody really knows what the dickens is going on in Ukraine.
Is it like so many conflicts? About natural resources after all?
Best wishes

Another well assembled clutch of pieces by Suavek.

Please would you consider subscribing to his Substack? Most of his output is things like this and it’s more useful if we can publicise it as widely as possible?

I try to repost here, but I may miss some!

Best wishes & thanks,
Help out on Substack please.


Mike has his own publication. Subscription is free without restriction. Or pay just to support me.


@suavekfolger has his own publication also. He shares a great deal of Mike’s Telegram posts, in curated collections as above.

Please subscribe to Suavek’s publication and so share his excellent Mikery.


Finally I have a publication, from which Mike kindly posted last week. Please subscribe.

Thank you
When I read this article in the online journal, Global Research, I was both horrified and suspicious.

Could it really be true that 13 nations have signed up to an agreement to lower food production?

The headline takes the action claimed, to lower methane releases from food production, mostly of meat, to its logical conclusion: famine.

It is the case that WEF trumpeted an agreement to reduce methane emissions.

So it doesn’t seem wide of the mark that plans to actually do this are agreed & potentially under way.

I don’t think there is anything they won’t do in pursuit of tyrannical control of the people. Food shortages are arguably more potent a threat than is a threat to health. I’m deeply concerned about the many ways in which an interoperable digital ID might be presented to us as necessary, and rationing remains one of the more plausible ostensible reasons for imposing it. The real reason, of course, is control. Not just of access to certain foods, but to everything, including to your own life.

While you cannot stockpile yourself to open ended independence, you can certainly buy yourself thinking time. Seek advice and guidance from those sources you trust on the best approaches to doing this. I have no knowledge in this area.

Best wishes

Don’t hate me. I’ve always enjoyed Clarkson’s style of motoring journalism.

I had his 1990s series “Motorworld” running in the background while I did some painstaking DIY repairs (highly recommended) when this episode popped up.

It’s well worth watching, not for the usual motoring hyperbolae, but the opposite. This is about Switzerland’s “war on the motorist”.

Not only have they made it difficult to access some locations by car, but actively discouraged any privately owned, powered transport.

It’s spooky, because that’s now happening almost everywhere, even though most people don’t yet realise it.

The EV thing is a distraction. What’s being stealthily installed is software in all relatively recently made cars, and I mean the last decade, which affords the authorities the ability to restrict their operation remotely. They just haven’t turned it in yet.

I know of people who have been shocked to realise that their “always online” vehicle can, at the click of an algorithm (I know they don’t click!) can “geofence” or “geotime” any or all vehicles in a given location.

The fencing part is I think self-explanatory. The affected vehicle simply won’t run beyond whatever location or radius from a registered address or other reference point.

Timing means it’ll only work at all when the controllers allow it.

These systems cannot be overridden by ordinary folk. I expect if I tried to do it, I’d immobilise my own vehicle.

Motorcycles as far as I know do not have such systems installed, yet. DYOR.

Obviously, older cars don’t, either. But there aren’t so many of those & getting fewer by the passing of every regulation designed to drive them off the road, like huge vehicle excise duties, which the kind of people who tend to own them cannot afford. Those who could pay the duty tend to own newer vehicles. Clever, eh?

It’s up to you, but I have chosen to acquire a 20 year old car, in large part because of learning of this some months ago. My amusingly old motorcycles have no “tech” on them more modern than an ignition coil. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to go far on them. Modern motorcycles are very much better conveyances.

Best wishes
Is this the real reason for the wars that we see happening, particularly in Ukraine?

It’s definitely a major factor: to continue to impose the central bank model of trade upon economically lesser countries.

Best wishes
"Letting countries trade in own currencies would break banker control of resources. That is why the powers that be will are proposing a centralised digital ledger, of which Central Bank Digital Currency is just a part.

If they fail to get their universal ledger, they may restore control through direct military force on the nineteenth century imperial model."
I pray that this is true. That what the perpetrators intend by way of totalitarian digital control simply cannot work with the speed and fidelity implied.

If they cannot impose totalitarian digital control, they can withdraw & think again, or turn super aggressive. In the latter case, it will become apparent to far more people than it is at present.

Best wishes
Forwarded from Dr Victor Kopecky
1. They are but a few, against the billions of mankind.
2. They are parasites, cannot create only steer, steal and sabotage.
3. The technology cannot do what they ultimately wish for. It is not feasible, it is technically impossible. Just a wizard of Oz.
4. People know. They go along out of necessity because they are BOUGHT into it. Tables can therefore turn in an instant. (That was my speech.)
5. They are done for, and nothing can change that.

God bless
If it comes through in German, there should be a button to click to translate it.
Best wishes
Forwarded from SLOBODNI podcast
PRIZNANJE njemačkog Robert Koch Instituta da je sve u pandemiji bila laž. Ove nedjelje na Z1 TV u 14 h. Komentira prof. Sucharit Bhakdi.

This is a very good collection of posts and articles, mostly from people I respect hugely.

It’s mostly about power and money and how they interact globally.

Best wishes
I know Vernon a little. I think our respective visions of the coming dystopia are quite similar.
It’s grim reading someone else’s thoughts. I crave to be contradicted, not reinforced.
Our appeal is identical.
Best wishes

Having concluded some time ago that the “Spanish Flu Pandemic” didn’t happen, I had an interest in improving my understanding of what did happen and how.

I have been delinquent in follow up but remained alert to important contributions to these questions.

I found this as a reference cited by Dr Jonathan Engler in a recent Substack article he’s written (which I will share separately).

I thought this article important enough in its own right to be well worth sharing.

Not only have we in recent weeks & months disposed of “health supplements” from our household, having determined that at least some are, in my opinion, being promoted in order to amplify the toxicity of other chemicals we’re encouraged to take, I have followed suit by disposing of any NSAIDs in our first aid box.

I knew from toxicology studies at university that those with the habit of taking paracetamol regularly over a long period, even inside the label dose, are at greatly elevated risk of death from renal failure, specifically of renal papillary necrosis.

Here, we discover that aspirin in excess doesn’t only cause damage to our gastrointestinal tract, but many other bodily systems, and can certainly kill.

It appears from numerous case reports & physicians experiences that aspirin was a substantial contributor to the deaths counted in this fake pandemic.

It wasn’t the only cause, though. I’ve separately read of mandated use of early “flu vaccines” in USA, especially in those in the military.

Best wishes

This is the Jonathan Egler article I referred to earlier Mike Yeadon solo channel/com.DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/1521

in relation to toxicity of aspirin at doses well above those normally recommended.

Here, we learn of the person who founded the Johns Hopkins University school of Epidemiology. That department hosted Event 201 in the autumn of 2019, then set up the covid tracking system that was a live feed to much of the world’s media during the fake covid pandemic.

Best wishes

Dr Vernon Coleman in his June 2024 video said (12 minutes in):

“Right at the start of the vaccination campaign, I said that anyone giving the covid vaccinations should be arrested for manslaughter. That’s changed. Today, any doctor or nurse, still recommending or giving the covid19 vaccine should be arrested, not just for manslaughter, but for murder”.

I agree completely. There was no pandemic, no public health emergency, no new illness called covid19, therefore no need for any measures, masking, testing, distancing, lockdowns, or any usual treatments, let alone injections masquerading as vaccines. Instead, the objectives of this entire era in human existence, which was faked, are to impoverish almost everyone, to usher in a new age of digital totalitarian tyranny, to replace the currency & to do away with cash. Additionally, to injure as many people as possible, to kill some of them and to reduce fertility in survivors. Meanwhile, to accustom especially the young to expect & accept that this is the way things are. It makes me very sad to realise that my two grandchildren know only this state of tyrannical rule & will never know light-hearted freedom.

I cannot adequately describe my years of frustration with my fellow humans, the vast majority of whom appear not to have noticed anything awry since 2020 or, if they do suspect that something is wrong, to lack the courage even to ask questions out loud or to point out the obvious oddities.

If we cannot change this, there is no doubt that our way of life is going to change permanently and quite soon. Recovery is neither going to be sought, let alone permitted. Almost all politicians, many public servants, senior business leaders and those with positions of authority in all institutions are either actively engaged in destroying their own ways of life, or are complicit in passively allowing it. I can only imagine that they’ve swallowed the bait that they & their families are going to get Golden Tickets out of the dystopian hellhole.

Newsflash, they’re not. They’ve been lied to, as well. Way too many people know something about what’s going on for them all to be spared the consequences of the changes they are causing or allowing.

The fools hired by the British state & paid pocket money to act like nothing suspicious has been going on & to attack anyone online with the temerity to point out the falsehoods & to join the dots to see the bigger picture are among the most stupid. Of the order of 20,000 such people are online in U.K. performing such roles right now. Do they really imagine that they’re going to get to keep their ill-gotten gains, earned by attacking those doing their level best to help save them and their families? Those payments, which are coming out of all our pockets, including those of the 77th Brigade recruits, are not going to be honoured. At some point, an engineered financial crisis will be precipitated with the objective of restricting the ability the private citizen to go about their law-abiding lives & they will not be spared. Dryly, I can only imagine their faces when they finally realise that they’ve been had.

Meanwhile, those of us willing to speak out, to bear the consequences of doing so - which will be FAR less than the consequences of NOT speaking out, will be well advised to make whatever preparations & arrangements that they can.

As Dr Coleman concludes, “Fight the lies”.

While I sincerely doubt that the totalitarians can accomplish all their objectives, which I believe means total control of everyone and everything, forever, I am at a loss to know what else to do than I’m already doing, beyond basic preparations and to continue to fight the lies.

With best wishes,
2024/06/25 14:59:07
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